
Thanks for stopping by. "Fashiona" is my alter ego who is obsessed with all things fashion and has a running commentary on just about everything.

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Thursday, July 1

Tipster Thursday: Get Esperanza Spalding's look

Fashiona noticed that she was getting a lot of  searches for  Esperanza Spalding and her necklace.  Esperanza's necklace is a  Native American dream catcher.

The history of dream catchers  can be traced to the Native American Ojibway Chippewa tribe. The Ojibways would tie  sinew string around a frame of bent wood that was in a small round or tear drop shape. The patterns of the dream catcher was very  similar to  their snowshoe webbing.

Originally, dream catchers were made to protect sleeping children from nightmares.  Legend maintains that the dream catcher will catch one's dreams during the night. Bad dreams will get caught in the dream catcher's webbing and disappear with the morning sun.  However, good dreams will find their way to the center of the dream catcher and float down the feather. Fashiona has had one over her bed for 10 years.

Navajo artist Lorenzo Aviso creates some beautiful handmade Dream Catchers and sells them at Tribal Impressions in Texas and on-line. and  These two are pieces are made from sterling silver and turquoise.


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