
Thanks for stopping by. "Fashiona" is my alter ego who is obsessed with all things fashion and has a running commentary on just about everything.

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Sunday, April 4

Social Sunday: Erykah Badu's Window Seat

Erykah Badu, known for speaking or singing her mind, has truly exceeded her reputation with her recently released Window Seat video.  Legal issues aside and they are mounting by the day...the visual does match the message that she was trying to covey.  Her nudity in the video, in Fashiona's opinion, was to show her ultimate vulnerability...literally and figuratively.

Consider the first part of the song's lyrics:

"So, presently i’m standing

Here right now

You’re so demanding

Tell me what u want from me


Concentrating on my music , lover , and my babies

Makes me wanna ask the lady for a ticket outta town…

So can I get a window seat

Don’t want nobody next to me

I just want a ticket outta town

A look around

And a safe touch down

Window seat"

Ms. Badu through all her transformations generally appears covered so much so that her "ample" shape was a surprise to many. Only Erykah knows actually why as she said through her twitter account "shot (the video) guerilla style" without the proper permits. She is from Dallas, so it isn't a stretch, for her to have shot the video in the same location as JFK's assassiation.  Yes he was a president but a man first and clearly vulnerable.  Erykah chose to appear to naked to the world to share her message but all of us have felt completely "exposed" at one point in time. 

In Fashiona's view....no attire no matter how elaborate or amount of make-up, change of location, or witty banter can "hide" our true feelings or mask our true selves to those that really know us... that is what BEING NAKED truly feels like and should be reserved for those deserve it.

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Day said...

Pleasssse! Those people are just jealous that her body can still look like that after childbearing.

Alicia aka "Fashiona" said...

Day...you do have a point but the issue goes much deeper than that.

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